The New Year is coming! It’s a time of gifts, wonders, and a brand-new season! The Great Mage Skrakan has joined forces with ikacnep — a master of magical code. Together, they bring the residents of Allods the opportunity to merge artifacts, a new treasure bank and many other features.
✨ Artifact Merging
From now on, every artifact dropped from defeated bosses (you’ll easily recognize them — they are worth exactly 1 gold) can be upgraded. If you manage to collect two identical artifacts, alchemists will perform transmutation, combining them into a more powerful item. But that’s just the beginning! If you find two more upgraded artifacts, they can also be merged. The merging process is endless, and with each new level, the item’s power increases. Note that bonuses depend on the difficulty level. Learn more in this detailed article.
🏦 Treasure Bank
Forget the chaos in your inventory and mules! Now, every player has their own bank available on every server. You can safely store artifacts, rare items, and other valuables in it. Want to know more about how the new bank works? Read the detailed guide here.
The new season begins on December 31. Wishing you a magical New Year! May your artifacts grow stronger, and your adventures shine brighter. Forward, heroes — wonders await you!