Game modes

Ironman Mode (@-heroes)

  • Create a hero whose name begins with the magical symbol of Allods: @
    Example: @Muromets
  • After that, you will start on the 1st server as a regular character.
  • @-heroes are immune to necromancer corruption (their appearance does not change after the first rebirth), so they always retain their human form.
  • The strongest @-heroes will receive unique rewards. Most importantly, their deeds will be remembered for ages in separate ladders, where they will have the highest rating multiplier.
  • Ironman can initially only be a warrior. To become an @-mage, your warrior must first undergo a rebirth as a warrior on “Hard” difficulty.
  • Special bag pickup rules

@-heroes can pick up bags, but only if they have personally killed all the monsters on the tile.

A bag cannot be picked up if:

  • At least one monster on the tile was killed by another player.
  • Someone else dropped an item/money on the tile.
  • You cannot pick up even your own dropped items.
  • If your hero dies, they cannot retrieve items that dropped upon death.

How to pick up bags now?

  • If a player clicks “pick up bag” while not on the correct tile, the character will simply walk to it and stand on top.
  • The p button for @-players picks up only the bag they are standing on, and only if the tile is “marked” by that player.

Ironman-Hardcore Mode (in development)

  • You shouldn’t die.
  • You cannot pick up bags. Exceptions:
      • On servers 1-6, you can pick up a treasure bag from a boss if you delivered the final blow. The treasure is needed to progress to the next server. Only the treasure can be looted from the boss’s bag.
      • On servers 7+, in addition to the treasure, you also receive items from the boss. However, you must also deliver the final blow.
      • @-HC-heroes must have a Bless Spellbook in their backpack to collect the treasure.