Server rules

Welcome to the server – “Tangar’s Hat”. By entering the game, you confirm your agreement with the rules listed below. Ignoring or violating these rules is considered a refusal to continue playing on the server, which will result in appropriate measures from our side. We have no favorites or untouchables: those who do not follow the rules will not play on our server.


  • Each player must have their own account.
  • Having more than one account is prohibited.
  • If someone plays with you from the same IP address, you must inform the administration to avoid account blocking. (Sometimes you do not know who is playing from your IP address, e.g., neighbors, so do not worry – an investigation will always be conducted. But if it turns out to be the same person, all characters on all accounts will be irrevocably deleted, and the account banned).
  • When playing in a group from the same IP address (or if your game raises suspicion among other players or administration due to possible IP substitution), you must be in a Discord voice channel to confirm that these are live people and not one person playing with multiple accounts.
  • Using other players’ accounts is prohibited.
  • Pretending to be other players or server administration is prohibited.
  • Creating characters with names referring to well-known people in a socially significant, religious, or political context (e.g., Putin, Navalny, Obama, Trump, etc.), as well as characters with provocative or rude names, is prohibited.
  • Creating new characters specifically for selling their starting equipment and transferring any valuables to another character is prohibited.
  • Intentionally boosting death and kill counters through arranged setups or other dishonest methods is prohibited.

“Helping” players: fair-play principle

Fair-play means “honest play.” This principle boils down to ensuring that players are on equal terms and do not disrupt the initial balance of game mechanics. Most often, such a disruption occurs when a strong character “helps” a weaker one by giving them items, casting buffs, or helping kill monsters. All of this leads to the opposite effect—you are depriving the player of part of the game content that you yourself experienced and enjoyed. A player who skips this content gets an incomplete experience of playing in Allods 2. For example, there are people who have never in their life independently defeated the black dragon, despite having played Allods for many years. In short, don’t ruin other players’ experiences with your “help.” A player who hasn’t properly played the game but is already well-equipped will lose interest. It’s a disservice. By giving items, you’re killing the Allods narrative, reducing interest in the game, and lowering online activity.

Examples of fair-play violations:

  • Regularly helping a much weaker character kill monsters when they are useless in the fight.
  • Regularly killing monsters with the intent of leaving the loot for a weaker character to collect.
  • Regularly tanking monsters (including at KP and walls) so that a weaker character can hit them from a safe spot. Clarification: if there is a real danger that the weaker character might “fall” and they occasionally take damage, the fair-play principle is fulfilled.
  • A significantly leveled-up player regularly casts buffs on players who cannot afford to do so regularly using scrolls.
  • Regular assistance to a hero in @-HC mode (Ironman, where the character has only one life) from regular characters is prohibited. @-HC heroes should strive to interact exclusively with other @-HC heroes.

Helping a player pick up their bag after death does not violate fair-play.

In general, common sense should guide you in determining what constitutes fair play and what is cheating. If you have any questions regarding the ethics of a particular action, consult Discord for advice.


Item transfer and trading

  1. The free transfer of money and items between players is prohibited. All item transfers must occur through trade between players.
    Exception: playing in a “permanent party” with another player of equal level. That is, if you regularly (more than 50% of your game time) play together with a friend, and your characters are at approximately the same level of development, you can transfer items to each other without restrictions.
  2. Prices in trades between players must correspond to market prices. Selling at reduced prices (or giving “gifts”) is considered cheating.
    • Minimum price for regular items:
      10 times the price of selling the item to a shop.
    • Minimum price for quest items (which sell to a shop for 1 gold)
  3. Taking loans, debts, or credit from other players is prohibited (except in “permanent parties”). All trade operations must be completed immediately, with no delay.
  4. It is forbidden to deliberately drop items/money from a character’s bag onto the ground with the intent of gifting them—sell unwanted items to the shop instead. Exception: “permanent party” or transferring items/money to another character of your own account.
  5. Fake purchases of items that you do not need with the intent to “legally” transfer gold to another player are prohibited. This means, for example, that you cannot trade the item you need for an item or items that the seller doesn’t need (based on the criterion: they are worse than those used by the character).
  6. Providing services to other players for gold is allowed. However, these services must adhere to the principles of fair play (see the previous chapter of the rules) and should not be used as a means to unfairly transfer gold from one player to another.


Do not provide exact information about spoilers (guides and such) through public communication channels. To give detailed answers to other players’ questions, use private messages. If your answer describes the general idea and does not contain step-by-step instructions, it can be written in the general chat.

Community Rules

The foundation of our community principles is cooperation and fun. In terms of communication, players are required to maintain a positive atmosphere within our community and mutual respect.

Most of the people on our server are calm and reasonable players; many have been playing RoM2 for many years. We are not in a hurry, we spend our time for pleasure. For us, the main thing is the process, not the result; fun, not showing off. The main principle of communication on the server: positivity and adequacy. Toxic players, “alphas”, “dominators” and other extremes have no place with us.

Once again, I remind you of our cornerstone – positive agenda. Perhaps not everyone understands what I mean. Here are examples of how not to and how to behave:

1) BAD: “Everything is bad, I was killed, bad server.”
GOOD: “Who does not lose – does not win. Next time I’ll play better.”

2) BAD: “Everyone in my party is incompetent, I’m dying because of you.”
GOOD: “Everything is great, but we need to be more attentive.”

3) BAD: “Where is everyone? Am I alone here?”
GOOD: “Gathering brave adventurers for a raid! Let’s fight!”

4) BAD: Any other whining, complaints, negativity, swearing, rudeness.
GOOD: Positive attitude.

Failure to adhere to this concept leads to exclusion from the community.

Those who are not ready to maintain this style of communication, please do not start playing with us, save time and nerves for yourself and others. Sending to the ban is one click. If you are far from our concept, sooner or later you will still be excluded. Why waste time? To the rest – keep calm and carry on 🙂

And a few more remarks:

  • Negative remarks about nationalities, other countries and languages, minorities, and others are prohibited. We respect all players, regardless of where they are from and what language they speak, what their preferences are.
  • Communication in the general chat takes place in Russian or English; other languages can be used in private messages.
  • Discussions on topics of politics, religion, nationality, and others are undesirable. RoM2 is a fantasy game, outside of reality and its problems.
  • Flooding the chat is prohibited, as well as writing excessively in CAPS or dIsToRtInG words.

Once again! I warn all players about the inadmissibility of racist and discriminatory statements in the game chat, even if in your opinion they are not offensive. This includes the n-word and others. This will result in a ban.

In general, when playing on the server, it is necessary to follow the basic rules of the game and decency: do not cheat, report violations, do not engage in trolling and provocations.

Game Rules

(based on the classic rules of the Nival servers, 1999):

1. We expect players to resolve most issues without the involvement of the administration. In cases where the problem cannot be resolved without the involvement of the administration, interested parties should seek to resolve the dispute with the involvement of the community in the public chat of the game’s Discord channel.

2. Players whose behavior in the game contradicts these rules may face sanctions from the administration. Sanctions can range from a simple warning to closing access to the servers. The administration reserves the right to impose sanctions at any time and without explanation.

3. Irritating player behavior can serve as a basis for imposing corresponding sanctions. An example of such behavior is the abuse of rude or irritating messages or the use of character names that others find offensive.

4. If one player systematically prevents another from playing, deliberately interfering with them repeatedly, not within the framework of healthy competition for resources, this can also serve as a reason for imposing corresponding sanctions.

5. The deliberate use of game bugs and vulnerabilities is strictly prohibited. For example:

  • It is forbidden to crash maps (intentional server reloading).
  • It is forbidden to level up skills on a monster that is glitched and unable to move or attack you properly (and you are not using the Stone Curse or Stone Wall spell to control it). If you encounter such a monster, you must kill it or leave it alone. Explanations:
    —— It is allowed to attack and heal monsters if they are attacking you back (even if they do not deal damage due to your armor).
    —— Hiding in trees from large monsters (trolls, ogres, or demons) is allowed if you immediately report this spot (“hideout”) to the server administration in the Discord channel #maps.
    —— It’s allowed to hide behind mosters or their corpses.
  • It is forbidden to intentionally spam other players’ screens with your messages.
  • Any other malicious actions where a player exploits game bugs and glitches for their (or others’) profit are prohibited.

6. The administration is not responsible for the loss of items or characters during the game or due to equipment or software malfunctions, and losses are not compensated.

7. Players whose activities in the game cause irritation to many players may be subject to sanctions from the administration. The severity of the sanctions depends on the number and validity of the complaints received and will be determined by the administration in each specific case separately.

8. We do not restrict players’ ability to attack other players within the existing game mechanics. However, abuse of this option can serve as grounds for corresponding sanctions. Examples of abuse include repeatedly killing the same player or systematically attacking newbies for no reason.

9. The use of any automation to control your character is prohibited; it does not matter whether the player is at the keyboard or not. Triggers used to automate the behavior of your character or artificially control the gameplay are unacceptable.

10. Players must report bugs and vulnerable game mechanics to the administration, including map features such as farming monsters from inaccessible places or a too-easy diplomacy system that allows creatures to be safely pitted against each other for player advantage, and more.

11. Open discussion of bugs and vulnerable game mechanics, as well as informing other players about them in any way, is prohibited. For example, summoning a mob and killing it for money is prohibited.

12. When server administrators or game masters (characters “Admin”, “Admin” and characters whose names start with “GM”) enter the game, players must open their visibility zone to them (press F3 -> Diplomacy -> visible).

13. Deliberately blocking the passage for new players using the stone wall spell or summoned creatures on low and medium difficulty maps is prohibited.

14. Writing in the chat anything related to private parts and human bodily functions such as defecation, urination, and more is prohibited.

15. The administration has the right to impose sanctions on a player in cases not provided for by these rules if it deems it necessary.

Regarding the Style of Communication

Communication on the server follows the style of the Code, by which we mean the books and atmosphere of classic fantasy worlds, particularly Tolkien. Please try to keep the tone of communication within the Code. Do not use pidgin slang and derogatory terms for other players.

For example, if a player runs away from you to the shop, do not write that you “humiliated” them. In RoM2, there is no way to avoid PK (player killer) in the game. There is no city with a guard zone like in UO. There should be a safe place in the game, and that role is performed by the shop. Players sit in the shop for various reasons: 1) unequal fight, 2) if the player is a newbie in PvP, 3) unwillingness to fight at the moment.

You can remove shops from quests, but overall there is no problem with them. Labeling those who sit in the shop is also possible (PKs in all games label their victims for running away from their cleaver), but without the context of “humiliation”. You can call them a coward, some kind of runner. But terms like “dominated” and other homosexual style here are not appropriate.

In RoM2, various people have always played and played different heroes. Often the same Anti-PKs, when they got bored, started alts that they PKed with. On some other servers, a certain style, folklore with homos, peaks in the ass, and other things developed. Some of them are quite amusing. This communication style does not make those players bad, just a different communication style. The difference is that on our server, we try to revive the communication style from Nival’s sample of 1999, where there were also PKs, sneaky players, thieves, and others. This is part of the game, part of RoM2, which makes the game more interesting, evokes emotions. The difference is only in the style of expressing these emotions. I would very much like those who play with us to use a fantasy style, not rude jargon. That’s all.

Regarding Chat Moderation

I look through the in-game chat with a relaxed approach, as I rarely read the logs. If players send me a complaint in the form of a screenshot, I punish the violators. If not, I do not specifically run through the maps and catch them. So chat moderation in the game is in the hands of the players. More strict matters are with Discord, as I read it regularly.

Regarding Deanons

There will be no deanons on the server.

The admin does not know who is playing under which account and should not know. I try to look at the logs as rarely as possible and play very little myself to remain as impartial as possible and avoid conflicts of interest. Who plays whom, who has which chars on the account, who has what sexual orientation, who ate what for breakfast – no one should care. RoM2 is an RP game, where many people have many different personas.

From the players’ side, I can, of course, prohibit deanon in the rules… But in RoM2 traditionally it is part of the game – when sometimes players can guess by the behavior of the char whose character it is. It’s fun. But please, do not bring in (even virtually, in your dreams) admin resources. I will not check anyone. And that means you will never know for sure.

Someone might argue with it:
yes, yes, and again yes. Except when a person himself is not against proving that he is clean and a good guy, not that, that everything we thought about him for a second….

This “not against” is exactly forced deanon using admin resources. I declare once again, on record – there will be no such deanons. Even if John Smith himself asks me to check him, I will not check.

Our problem is that there is a Discord community where everyone communicates directly. At Nival, communication was only in the game chat, so deanons were irrelevant in principle. No one cared who was behind the wheel of a particular PK. It was enough to know that it was a PK. PK is an enemy. It needs to be beaten. Who controls it was not particularly worried. In Discord, we all have “human” communication, not RP, which tempts to deanon someone. Please do not resort to this.

Exception – rule violation. If a player, for example, is suspected of multi-accounting, I will check him. But I will not disclose his identity and his characters.

Regarding Self-Governance on the Server

My primary task on the server is to implement my game design ideas and micromanage rule enforcement. I do not create items (i.e., we have no favoritism, “admin friends”, handouts, and other common things on similar servers) and generally, I practically do not play, do not interfere in the game economy and player relationships. This allows me to be impartial to the players. An actively playing admin in a competitive PvP game is usually a bad thing. I periodically record my actions as a player in video streams, so you can easily track my modest progress.

At the same time, players should remember that playing on the server – they are my guests. This is my personal server, not just a public resource (see its name). Therefore, players should treat me with respect; just as I try to treat them. If you deliberately provoke or annoy me – I will have to take action. I am not attached to online activity – it is better to have 3 nice people on the server than 33 inadequate ones. A positive atmosphere is important to me. Those who, in my opinion, spoil it will be expelled from the server.