Endgame: 8+ servers

Endgame in RoM2 focuses on “quest clearing” (quest maps), which start from server #8. On these maps, particularly dangerous monsters drop “quest” items with unusual characteristics. These items cannot be upgraded, and their base value is 1 gold.

Quest maps are specifically designed to challenge the player with complex tasks and offer unique rewards upon success, which cannot be obtained otherwise. On these maps, in addition to level 5 monsters, the mechanics used themselves pose a threat. Some monsters may be invisible, and their invisibility will only fade after they hit you. Therefore, it’s wise to get into the habit of checking seemingly safe paths and trails with summoned animals or area-effect spells. The same goes for various “mysterious” platforms, objects, and islands. They may contain traps of varying degrees of deadliness, up to and including teleporting you into the center of a group of strong monsters, which means certain death. Caution and attentiveness are the best qualities of an adventurer.

Double Cast

The cornerstone skill in the endgame: double cast — a technique of casting spells at regular intervals that allows for reduced casting time; simply put, your character doesn’t hesitate and casts spells about twice as often as someone who hasn’t mastered double casting. Double casting is possible for all spells — teleport, curse, blessing, magic shield, elemental resistances, stone wall, and others. Here’s how you can learn double casting:

  1. Start by using the “Teleport” spell to try moving continuously in a straight line, aiming to teleport without any pauses.
  2. Once you’ve mastered that, learn to double cast by changing the teleport direction; here, you’ll need to account for your character’s turning speed. Begin by making small changes, gradually increasing the angle.

How to Clear a Quest

All quest maps can be cleared solo. This has been proven in practice. However, it requires years of experience playing Allods 2. For a beginner starting a clear, it’s advisable to have a warrior + mage duo, both fully boosted with potions.


  • Armor with a bonus to HP (50 is ideal) or a set with body+spirit+2 attributes
  • Helmet with +2 vision
  • Greaves with +3 speed
  • Weapon (preferably a spear) with elemental damage and stone curse
  • Skill (ability) with the chosen weapon should be 90+ (minimum)
  • Crossbow with maximum elemental damage (ideal is astral)


  • Full set on HP and spirit (Body + maximum HP)
  • Maxed water and fire elements (jewelry gives a max of 15, clothing 18; the closer to these numbers, the better)
  • At least have hail/fire wall in spellbooks (and all previous spells).


  • The Mage and Warrior should purchase thousands of health packs and 100% HP regeneration potions.
  • The Mage should also take potions that restore and regenerate mana.
  • The Mage will need a Curse Staff (to assist if the Warrior doesn’t have time to cast curses on level 5 mobs).
  • The Warrior should have 300+ teleport scrolls (non-elven, just regular ones).
  • Elemental protection scrolls, covering all elements (50 each for water/fire/air —150 in total, and around 150 for earth).
  • Haste scrolls.
  • Magic Shield scrolls — 100 each.
  • Curse and Blessing scrolls — 250+ (all these scrolls should be elven).
  • Stone Wall scrolls — 100+.
  • Summon scrolls — 50+.
  • Invisibility scrolls — 100+ (regular, non-elven).
  • You can also have around 100 elven fireball scrolls to lure mobs.

The number of scrolls listed is minimal, considering the possibility that the Mage might not be able to cast due to the absence of full elemental protections, or if a PK (Player Killer) enters and chases you around the map (in which case, it usually becomes every man for himself, and players try to save their belongings, relying only on themselves).

Note: This is still the maximum setup; you can participate in a clear with a more minimal setup if you are going in a group. Join other players — not for the loot, but to learn how to clear, watch how they do it. Any player can be helpful in a quest.

Monster Defense on Different Servers

On server 9, monsters have increased defense. For the Warrior to hit enemies there, he first needs to gather a set from server 8 that provides an attack bonus. The same goes for server 10 — you’ll need a set with attack bonuses from server 9. And for server 11, a set from server 10 is desirable.