Bosses and Treasures

August 4, 2024

Now, to move to the next difficulty, you need to obtain the Treasure, increase your parameters, and have a sufficient amount of gold — only then will the Great Mage transfer you to another Allod!

  1. How to obtain the Treasure? It is located with the boss of each map on servers 1-6. The Treasure disappears when leaving the map, so you can’t stockpile them. Besides the boss, another treasure is held by his minion (meaning you can transition to the next difficulty simultaneously with a friend).
  2. Also now when moving to a new Allod you need to pay the Great Mage for teleportation (i.e., the hero needs a certain amount of gold to enter the new server for the first time).
  3. In addition, there are additional requirements for moving to higher-numbered servers for hardcore players (characters with 0 deaths and 1 death) and reclassed heroes (amazons and witches); see link above.

Important changes:

  • Mages can no longer use scrolls. Instead, Curse staffs have been added to the maps, and elemental protection spells (from the book) have been enhanced.
  • Healing enemies is disabled (friendly units can still be healed), as mages were abusing it to gain experience by fighting the same monster for hours on end.
  • Now maps on servers will be arranged in a random order every day during the daily restart (around 4 AM Moscow time). Thus, each day on the servers will have its unique random map order.
  • All bosses have improved rewards (both in terms of items and money).

And other changes:

  • Upon reborn, the reclassed characters’ monster kill counter is reset.
  • #2-5: The costs of fire, air, water, and earth protection spell books have been reduced (100k→20-30-40-50k); fire, air, water, and earth protection magic has been enhanced.
  • Mana costs for some spells have been reduced.
  • The duration of the “Shield” spell has been increased.
  • Hail scrolls have been removed due to a bug. Hail is only available to mages.
  • Strength potions for 100m work on servers 8-9-10 as well.
  • The stone wall spell costs 50m on #6 and 150m on #7.
  • The glow spell has been restored to vanilla values (it was dimmer).
  • The teleport spell has been added on #2 (costs 300k and the distance is greatly limited at low and medium skills).
  • Max air magic protection for mage/witch on #2: 30→40.
  • On servers 7-8-9, level 4 and 5 dragons:
    • Increased water resistance.
    • Reduced air resistance.
  • Amazon/witch can now increase strength to 50 on #6 (previously was 1).
  • Max resistance on #5: 60/65→70/75 (warrior/mage).
  • Max fire resistance on #6: 90→80.
  • Poison mist scrolls fixed on #6.
  • #8: Mage item maps now have a bonfire at the spawn point, distinguishing them from warrior maps.
  • #8 and #9: Bosses now have a set with increased attack, which may be useful on maps #9 and #10, where enemies have additional protection.
  • Citadel map: the hidden buff spot has been removed.
  • Maximum “speed” on a tavern item has been reduced, and it has additional “weight” on #5-#10.

Changes in the “Friends of Hat” program:

  • Regarding avatar changes: while you are a zombie, you can only change your avatar to other zombies – numbers 57-64. After reclass – all others.
  • The ability to change experience and main skill on servers above #2 has been removed (since one of our key mechanics is reborn and it greatly affected fair play).
  • Added the ability to assign 20/10 skills on all difficulties for “Friends of Hat”. To do this, you first need to bring the character to this difficulty. Thus, if you were able to do it once, you can do it a second time, so this feature allows you to save time by avoiding grinding on squirrels (this is not p2w): The ability to automatically create a character with a starting main skill of 20 and a secondary skill of 10. This is especially useful for players in Hardcore mode, where death means several hours of AFK grinding on squirrels to get the basic skill. Now all you need to do is level up any of your characters to a main skill of 20 and a secondary skill of 10, and not die more than once. If you have such a character on your account, you can use it as a "template" for other characters. —– Note that you can raise skills to 20/10 only if you have a template character at this (or higher) server difficulty. For example, if you have a character with 0 or 1 death on server #3, you can create characters with skills 20/10 only on servers #2 and #3. But if you have a character with 0 or 1 death on server #4, you can create characters with skills 20/10 on servers #2, #3, and #4 and so on.

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