New server: drumsticks

September 19, 2024

Server 11 has launched with new maps and sets for warriors and mages. On this server, enemies have increased resistance to magic and defense. This server is designed for the most advanced adventurers.

The balance of server 11 is structured so that clearing a map with a single class is extremely difficult. So, even if you’re playing solo, you’ll need to switch between characters. For example, one part of the map will need to be cleared by a warrior, then you’ll have to log out, switch to a mage, and clear another part of the map, and then switch back to the warrior (or you can play with a friend). For instance, it’s very difficult for a warrior to kill a level 5 troll on server 11, but a mage specialized in elemental magic can do it easily. However, the mage struggles to kill many other monsters (due to high resistances), which the warrior can handle.

Nevertheless, it’s possible to solo clear all maps on server 11 with a warrior. Fully soloing as a mage is extremely difficult; however, a mage can play maps 9-11 without needing to complete a set on the previous server, unlike the warrior.

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